
All writers are molepeople.

We dig within ourselves and the hidden places of reality to discover what is significant, what transcends, wise and foolish, what we've forgotten since the world began. Through writing and rewriting we find ourselves and we find God.

Moleperson is a fiction magazine that reveals the truth through the unordinary.

We use magic and the weird as vehicles for exposing what is real.

In short, we look for magical realism, slipstream, and any story that features strange elements. Not gimmicks. We'll also take exceptionally written normal literature.

Moleperson is Christian but NOT a religious magazine. This means we don't want to see writing that is offensive to Christian values. Similarly, we don't want preachy or sappy writing either. Those belong to surface dwellers.

We also like superhero and monster stories. This is NOT an invitation to cliches or campy fight scenes. We're interested in the psychological exploration of nonhuman characters.

We're not interested in high fantasy, science fiction, or urban fantasy. If you think you can prove us wrong, strike with all your best!

Modern parables and fairy tales are not undesirable if they kick butt!

We like to be tricked and tickled by a story.

To recap:

Moleperson is... magical, slipstream, exceptional, Christian, character-driven, psychological, sometimes humorous, unpredictable, NOT religious, NOT offensive, NOT preachy or sappy, and NOT cliched or campy.

To help you further, we've composed a Like/Dislike page that will be updated occasionally.

Now you know, so, read our Submission Guidelines.